New posts in division-algebras

Brauer group of a field of rational numbers

An example of noncommutative division algebra over $Q$ other than quaternion algebras

Relationship between trivial Brauer group and commutative division algebras

Quaternion Rings

Is my paper on a number system that allows arithmetic on 3D vectors useful?

Simple $M_n(D)$-module with $D$ a division ring

Why do division algebras always have a number of dimensions which is a power of $2$?

what are the p-adic division algebras?

What is this 2D division algebra?

What are some real-world uses of Octonions?

What do we lose passing from the reals to the complex numbers?

Which number fields can appear as subfields of a finite-dimensional division algebra over Q with center Q?

Proving that $\mathbb R^3$ cannot be made into a real division algebra (and that extending complex multiplication would not work)

An example of a division ring $D$ that is **not** isomorphic to its opposite ring

linear algebra over a division ring vs. over a field

Why are the solutions of polynomial equations so unconstrained over the quaternions?