New posts in rotations

Rotation matrix in spherical coordinates

How to rotate one vector about another?

How to find an angle in range(0, 360) between 2 vectors?

Why are orthogonal matrices generalizations of rotations and reflections?

What does it mean to represent a number in term of a $2\times2$ matrix?

Finding the rotation matrix in n-dimensions

Eigenspace of Kronecker power of a 2*2 rotation matrix

Consider a right angled $\triangle PQR$ right angled at $P$ i.e ($\angle QPR=90°$) with side $PR=4$ and area$=6$.

Representing rotations using quaternions

Why does $A^TA=I, \det A=1$ mean $A$ is a rotation matrix?

"Random" generation of rotation matrices

Understanding rotation matrices

Equation of hyperboloid of one sheet resulting from rotating a (skew) line about an axis

Find the coordinates of a point on a circle

What is the exact and precise definition of an ANGLE?

Generalized rotation matrix in N dimensional space around N-2 unit vector

Which special orthogonal groups are ambivalent?

Rotation Matrix of rotation around a point other than the origin

How do you rotate a vector by a unit quaternion?

System coordinate rotation, using a vector's value [closed]