New posts in real-numbers

A topology on the set of lines?

Does the concept of permutation make sense for a set indexed by the real numbers?

Can we have a one-one function from [0,1] to the set of irrational numbers?

Why is it so hard to prove a number is transcendental?

A series with only rational terms for $\ln \ln 2$

When trying to learn analysis from bottom up, what numbers should I first construct?

Is there a bijection between the reals and naturals?

An interesting way of expressing any real number using the harmonic series.

Constructing the reals from the integers

How can you show by hand that $ e^{-1/e} < \ln(2) $?

Is any real-valued function in physics somehow continuous?

Terence Tao, Analysis I, Ex. 5.5.2: Entry point needed

Group Structure on $\Bbb R$

A curiosity: how do we prove $\mathbb{R}$ is closed under addition and multiplication?

Elementary Linear Algebra Question

when product of irrational numbers = rational number?

Is $0$ an imaginary number?

Every closed set is a boundary [duplicate]

Solving a floor function problem [closed]

Dedekind cuts for $\pi$ and $e$