New posts in real-numbers

Why can't I use $\sum_{x\in\mathbb{R}} |x|$ instead of Cantor's diagonal?

Does $0 < x < 0$ imply $x =0$?

Why do we consider here the torus as a subset of the complex numbers?

Is $\sin(e)$ rational or irrational?

Were "real numbers" used before things like Dedekind cuts, Cauchy sequences, etc. appeared?

Can you build metric space theory without the real numbers?

Is there a website like OEIS for real constants?

What is so wrong with thinking of real numbers as infinite decimals?

What makes negative numbers different from positive numbers other than their being (almost) opposite?

How to solve $\lfloor x \rfloor + \lfloor \frac{1}{x} \rfloor = 1$?

Using Zorn's lemma show that $\mathbb R^+$ is the disjoint union of two sets closed under addition.

Given any two real numbers $x<y$, there is a rational $q$ with $x<q<y$

Different ways of constructing a partition of an interval

Prove that any real number can be expressed as the sum of two irrational numbers

Confusion about Tao's construction of reals

What is a natural number? [duplicate]

Is the sum of infinite recurring decimals also a recurring decimal?

Why does a polynomial with real, simple roots change its sign between its roots?

Are there many fewer rational numbers than reals?