New posts in real-numbers

$p_n(x)=p_{n-1}(x)+p_{n-1}^{\prime}(x)$, then all the roots of $p_k(x)$ are real

After removing any part the rest can be split evenly. Consequences?

What is $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbb{R},+)$?

How many pairs of numbers are there so they are the inverse of each other and they have the same decimal part?

Example of uncomputable but definable number

Are there real numbers that are neither rational nor irrational?

Showing that $\sqrt[3]{9+9\sqrt[3]{9+9\sqrt[3]{9+\cdots}}} - \sqrt{8-\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8+\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8-\sqrt{8+\cdots}}}}}} = 1$?

Why does the Dedekind Cut work well enough to define the Reals?

Is the real number structure unique?

Definable real numbers

Picking two random real numbers between 0 and 1, why isn't the probability that the first is greater than the second exactly 50%?

Proving that: $\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} \left(\frac{a^{\frac{1}{n}}+b^{\frac{1}{n}}}{2}\right)^n =\sqrt{ab}$

Why are integers subset of reals?

Category-theoretic description of the real numbers

Is "$a + 0i$" in every way equal to just "$a$"?

Do we really need reals?

Why are real numbers useful?

Does $1.0000000000\cdots 1$ with an infinite number of $0$ in it exist?

Can a complex number ever be considered 'bigger' or 'smaller' than a real number, or vice versa?

Does multiplying all a number's roots together give a product of infinity?