New posts in quadratic-forms

How to find the matrix of a quadratic form?

Rotation matrix to construct canonical form of a conic

Is the representation of any prime of the form $6n+1$ as $a^2+3b^2$ essentially unique?

Definiteness of a general partitioned matrix $\mathbf M=\left[\begin{matrix}\bf A & \bf B\\\bf B^\top & \bf D \\\end{matrix}\right]$

Counting the Number of Integral Solutions to $x^2+dy^2 = n$

Should isometries be linear?

How to prove there exist integer $u,v\in Z$,such $|f(u,v)|\le\sqrt{\frac{4D}{3}}$?

Set of primes $p$ which $x^4-x^3-2x^2-2x-1$ completely factors in finite field of order $p$

Zagiers Class Number Definition of Binary Quadratic Forms

How to find the minimum value of $f(x)=x^TAx+b^Tx+c$?

3D projection of a hyperellispoid in 6D

Intuition/meaning behind quadratic forms

Are matrices best understood as linear maps?

Gradient of $x^{T}Ax$ [duplicate]

$\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{11}]$ is norm-euclidean

$x^2+y^2+z^2=5(xy+yz+zx)$ -- Is this all solutions?

Polarization: etymology question

What is a form?

Every integer vector in $\mathbb R^n$ with integer length is part of an orthogonal basis of $\mathbb R^n$

Quadratic form for quartics