New posts in integer-lattices

Proving that $T$:$(x_1,...,x_n) \rightarrow (\frac {x_1+x_2}{2},\frac {x_2+x_3}{2},...,\frac {x_n+x_1}{2})$ leads to nonintegral components

Shortest Non-Zero Vector in Integer Lattices with Given Points

Integer solutions (lattice points) to arbitrary circles

How do you solve the system $Ax=b$ where $\|x\|_1 \leq \delta$ and $x \in \lbrace 0,1 \rbrace^n$?

Modular parametrization of elliptic curve

Path (Feynman) Integrals over Graphs

is the intersection with a Lattice still a Lattice?

Proving a complicated inequality involving integers

Question about Pick's Theorem

Ballot counting when ties occurs exactly $r$ times

Which internal angles can a lattice polygon have?

How to count lattice points on a line.

Show $\binom{n}{k}\binom{k}{a} = \binom{n}{a}\binom{n-a}{k-a}$ by block-walking interpretation of Pascal's triangle

Generalizing the 290 theorem.

Hypercube and Hyperspheres

Gauss circle problem : a simple asymptotic estimation.

Proving this identity $\sum_k\frac{1}{k}\binom{2k-2}{k-1}\binom{2n-2k+1}{n-k}=\binom{2n}{n-1}$ using lattice paths

Lattice paths and Catalan Numbers

Integer lattice points on a sphere

Every integer vector in $\mathbb R^n$ with integer length is part of an orthogonal basis of $\mathbb R^n$