New posts in psychology

A Word For Someone Who Has Been Hurt By Love, And In Result Hates The Concept Of It?

Is there a single word for unhealthy ego?

Word for internalizing excessive critique & acting upon it

Term for the brain's automatic [psychological] response to being told to do something; to not want to do that thing anymore

Name for a Freudian slip in a leading question?

Word or phrase for one who tries to benefit from everything someone else does [duplicate]

A word for the basic concept of the literary inadequacies to describe intangible feelings, thoughts or emotions

Term for confusing similarities with exact matches

How to formally state that parents have not raised their children well

Antonym of black and white thinking (or splitting)

Word or a phrase that means your results could be biased toward what you predicted them to be

Word or phrase for the phenomenon (or thinking error) where people will be satisfied with an answer simply because it was difficult to arrive at?

Where does the term "word salad" originate?

Perception of problems when informed of an issue?

Expression or cognitive error in assuming one person's fault on a community

What is this condition called?

Word for the perception that the majority of people thinks about something the same way they do

What is it called when you begin to exhibit similar personality traits as someone close to you?

A name for the lag time of memory when catching up to new developments

What is the term for subconsciously doing something that you think you're dreaming