What is this condition called?

Over a decade ago, I read about a condition where you love to solve the intricacies of a challenging problem or issue but can't be bothered to actually do the work to implement or prove it. Is this an actual condition? If so what is it called?

Edit: They are fully capable of doing the nitty gritty work as long as it is challenging. Work that often nobody around is capable of doing. They would lose interest after achieving their goal of finding a solution and would be on the hunt for the next challenge.

Since "you love to solve the intricacies of a challenging problem or issue", I think it's not so much about laziness, but maybe something about the process of analyzing the intricacies of the challenging problem that leads to what you describe as "can't be bothered to actually do the work to implement or prove it".

Perhaps it is a case of analysis paralysis, which can be described as:

Analysis paralysis refers to a situation in which an individual or group is unable to move forward with a decision as a result of overanalyzing data or overthinking a problem.

If the "can't be bothered" part of your question is important, then maybe it's not so much of analysis paralysis, as that the person is a big picture thinker, who loves to think in terms of the big picture, but doesn't enjoy working out the details. Hence, they may be accused of not being detail-oriented, etc.

Big picture thinking can be defined as:

the ability to come up with ideas, solutions and opportunities. Big thinkers see possibilities and jump on opportunities. They are willing to take risks because they see the chance to make big gains.

I note you are British English, so a new word, "Mycroftism," might fit the bill. For those not of your background, Mycroft was Sherlock Holmes' older brother who was even better than he at detailed analysis but was too lazy to follow it up (or precede it) with investigation.