Where does the term "word salad" originate?

Solution 1:

The earliest attestation I can find ascribes the origin to Forel's wortsalat, as translated by Kraepelin to 'wordsalad'. This appears in The Medical Standard of 1895, recounting events from the May, 1894 meeting of the Association of German Alienists and Neurologists, where "Kraepelin of Heidelberg described a 'peculiar group of insane patients,' who, among 'other distressing symptoms,' exhibited as 'the most striking phenomenon' a tendency to the coinage of new words":

wordsalad attestation, 1895

Although the earliest attestation in OED Online is from 1904, they give the origin as "after either German Wortsalat (1894 or earlier) or French salade de mots (1895 or earlier)", which jives with the date of the wortsalat attestation in The Medical Standard.