New posts in proverbs

"If you put in the work to sharpen the steel, it will eventually turn into needles." Do you have a similar proverb in English?

What does wishbone mean in this Robert Frost quote?

What is the equivalent proverb/idiom for Hindi saying in English?

Phrase for "Night Haystacker"

What construction does ‘A wise man is never less alone than when alone’ have?

Expression for "pulling out something from the past"

A proverb or idiom in English for people who pick up a new language very quickly

English alternative for 'gesture for wise, stick for fool'

Those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak

How would a native speaker react to the proverbial phrase: "Life is lethal"?

Idiom/proverb: if you keep calling someone a mouse, they might start thinking they're a mouse

"Made a rhyme without effort" in English from Spanish "Hice verso sin esfuerzo"

Did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle coin the proverb "A change is as good as a rest"?

"Rome was not built in a day" [closed]

Proverb for Someone will work, but another will get the benefit

Who is the author of "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"?

"The grass is always greener", but about "good old days"

What does "You can't bolt your door with a boiled carrot" mean?

Is there an English equivalent to the Chinese saying, 君子之交淡如水 ...? [closed]

English idiom related to time