New posts in proverbs

what is its proverb in English [duplicate]

The bigger the tree, the further the fruit falls

Is “ no news is good news” of Italian origin?

fantasy and reality sayings

Origin of the expression 'glass half full or half empty'

"All that glitters" or "Not all that glitters"?

Proverb that means "Even something done completely wrong might yield a slightly good result (but that doesn't mean it should be done)"

When and where did the ancient proverb "He that will not when he may, when he will he shall have nay" originate?

Ne'er cast a clout till May be out. Meaning?

Meaning of Corsican Proverb "Ropes that are too long become snakes"? [closed]

What does "X his way out of a paper bag" mean?

Idiom for opportunistically exploiting a situation to one's advantage

"The more chickens in a farm the more crap and the fewer eggs"

Unusual word order in a sentence [duplicate]

Mexican Proverb equivalent

Do we have an equivalent for Persian's proverb "to stretch one's leg more than one's rug"?

Meaning of "A man has as many masters as he has vices."

Idiomatic Expression that basically says "What's bad for you is good for me"

What's the English equivalent for the Indonesian old saying, "a grill that is far from the fire"?

Who first said "We can predict everything, except the future"?