New posts in proper-nouns

Is there a rule of thumb when to use "the" in front of universities? [duplicate]

Is "a" mandatory in "I'm a whole new (Name)"?

Why isn't the word "white" capitalized when referring to the race? [duplicate]

Capitalization of the word "the" in "the Lord" / "The Lord"

Subject/verb agreement when a title ends in a plural

What do the American nicknames 'Dutch' and 'T-Bone' mean?

Capitalisation in texts where the title is also a concept that is referred to within the text?

Why did Obama use "a" in "... to hear a King proclaim that ..."

East Coast, East coast, or east coast? [duplicate]

Plurals, Possesives, and Proper Nouns ending with 'S' [duplicate]

In film reviews/essays about a book or film, does the title of the movie/book always have to be highlighted/put in italics? [closed]

When did presidents start using their middle initial (e.g., John F Kennedy)? Was that common of the general population?

Why does English have city/country names that differ from the local language?

What is the first recorded appearance of the mistranslation "Red Square"?

Choice of relative pronouns: 'who' and/or 'that' for people?

Capitalization of "School" as an adjective

How to handle non-standard capitalization in formal letters

How to write company name

Do military titles get capitalized?

Trouble with translating (and specifying) foreign proper nouns into English