New posts in trademarks

All-caps trademark usage. Do I have to follow the all-caps recommendation? [duplicate]

Why is Tesco often pronounced Tesco's?

Using "TM" for trademarked term - every time or just once?

"In/on the App Store"

Does a brand name used as common noun like Hoover respond to change in market share made by Dyson? [closed]

What is the plural form of trademarked product names, specifically of the term "WordPress"?

Which is the more accepted spelling between “doughnut” or “donut” in formal academic prose?

Does "Ethernet" need to be capitalised?

Company Name as Verb [duplicate]

Is it acceptable to lowercase 'google' in all verb forms? [closed]

How to handle non-standard capitalization in formal letters

Does the word “uzi” need to be capitalized?

How Should Trademarks be Written?

Should capitals be used when verbing trademarks?

How did kool-aid come to be the drink of fanboys?