New posts in probability-theory

Explanation of Durrett example 5.2.13

Portmanteau theorem for vague convergence

What is the joint distribution of $Z=\min(X,Y)$ and $I_{Z=X}$?

Formal definition of conditional probability

What is Var(X - Y)?

Trouble with extending Doob's Optional Stopping Theorem

Hitting probability of biased random walk on the integer line

Integral of Brownian motion is Gaussian?

Conditional expectation for a sum of iid random variables: $E(\xi\mid\xi+\eta)=E(\eta\mid\xi+\eta)=\frac{\xi+\eta}{2}$

Distinguishing probability measure, function and distribution

Example where union of increasing sigma algebras is not a sigma algebra

Geometric Brownian motion and its inverse

What is the importance of the infinitesimal generator of Brownian motion?

Chance of meeting in a bar

Intuitive explanation of a definition of the Fisher information

Showing that Y has a uniform distribution if Y=F(X) where F is the cdf of continuous X

n people & n hats: probability that at least 1 person has his own hat

Poisson Distribution of sum of two random independent variables $X$, $Y$

Why does the median minimize $E(|X-c|)$?

Proving that $1$- and $2D$ simple symmetric random walks return to the origin with probability $1$