New posts in stopping-times

$\tau=s \mathbf{1}_{A^c}+t\mathbf{1}_A$, $A \in \mathcal F_s$ is a stopping time

Filtration of stopping time equal to the natural filtration of the stopped process

Why is this process bounded?

"Converse" of optional stopping theorem

Prove a thm on stopped processes given fundamental principle 'you can't beat the system'?

How to get closed form solutions to stopped martingale problems?

Optimal stopping of a Poisson Process with a risky reward

Analytical solutions to $E[f(X_\tau) e^{-\alpha\tau}]$

The jumping times of a càdlàg process are stopping times.

Is it true $P(\sup_{k \in \mathbb{N}}X_k \geq \epsilon +x)=\dfrac{x}{\epsilon+x}$?

How to prove that for Brownian motion in $(a, b)$ $\mathbb{E}^x[\min(H_a, H_b)] = (x-a)(b-x)$?

Verifying the interpretation of stopping times and stopping time $\sigma$-algebras

Expected hitting time of given level by Brownian motion

Possible example of stopped martingale not being in $L^1$

Why is stopping time defined as a random variable?

'Intuitive' difference between Markov Property and Strong Markov Property

Does $\sigma(\cup_{n=0}^\infty \mathcal{F}_{S \wedge n}) = \mathcal{F}_S$ hold for every stopping time $S$?

Martingale and finite stopping time [closed]

Expectation stopped Brownian motion with drift

What is meant by a stopping time?