New posts in probability-theory

Precise definition of the support of a random variable

Expectation Inequality involving Absolute Mean Difference [duplicate]

Expected Number of Moves to Fall Off Table

Why isn't there a uniform probability distribution over the positive real numbers?

Conditional and joint probability manipulations when there are 3 variables

When can we interchange the derivative with an expectation?

A good book on Statistical Inference?

how to show convergence in probability imply convergence a.s. in this case?

Good books on "advanced" probabilities

Çinlar's Probability and Stochastic, Examples 2.11 and 2.12

Why is this coin-flipping probability problem unsolved?

Limit distribution of infinite sum of Bernoulli random variables

The limit of a convergent Gaussian random variable sequence is still a Gaussian random variable

Probability that given weight is on the heavier side of a balance

Derive the distribution of Y using MGF technique

Expectation of Minimum of $n$ i.i.d. uniform random variables.

p.d.f of the absolute value of a Gaussian random variable of non-zero mean

Time to reach a final state in a random dynamical system (answer known, proof unknown)

Random walk on $n$-cycle

Sum of Uncorrelated Centered Random Variables