New posts in probability-theory

Expected value is a linear operator? Under what conditions is median also a linear operator?

Questions on atoms of a measure

What does the $-\log[P(X)]$ term mean in the calculation of entropy?

Show that $M_{n}=\left(\cfrac{N}{N-1}\right)^n X_n(N-X_n)$ is a martingale

Verifying the interpretation of stopping times and stopping time $\sigma$-algebras

Expected hitting time of given level by Brownian motion

If X is $\overline{\sigma(Y)}$-measureable, then X is already $\sigma(Y)$-measureable a.s.? [closed]

Distribution of stopping time for biased random walk using martingales.

Discontinuity points of a Distribution function [duplicate]

Does the existence of the mean of a bounded, real-valued sequence imply it has a limiting distribution?

What is the Variance of $(1-X)/X$ and the Expectation of $(1-X)/X^{2}$?

What does "identically distributed" mean? [closed]

K-flow with a finite positive entropy

Conditional probability exercise is my reasoning here correct?

Proofs related to chi-squared distribution for k degrees of freedom

How to show the following process is a local martingale but not a martingale?

A question involving Lindeberg-Levy CLT

Cat dead or alive?

Is there a (deep) relationship between these various applications of the exponential function?

Why "One cannot construct more than countably many independent random variables"?