New posts in probability-theory

Azuma's inequality to McDiarmid's inequality?

A die is rolled once. Call the result N. Then, the die is rolled N times, and those rolls which are equal to or greater than N are summed

What is the distribution of this random series?

Relative entropy for martingale measures

Proof that negative binomial distribution is a distribution function?

Interpretation of a tail event

Expected Value of Local Maxima and Local Minima

What background is required to understand Random Matrix Theory

Do the Kolmogorov's axioms permit speaking of frequencies of occurence in any meaningful sense?

Central limit problem and converges

Algebra of Random Variables?

Limit of a Wiener integral

Can there be generalization of Monty Hall Problem? [duplicate]

Hölder inequality from Jensen inequality

Convergence in probability implies convergence in distribution

Prices Of Apples and Oranges Have Correlation $1$. What can you say about this process?

What does $||XY||_1$ mean?

The expected value of the sum of Poisson distribution sample series with upper bound on the sampled value

asymptotic order in probability

Sum of $N$ uniform random variables where $N$ has geometric distribution