New posts in present-tense

Why can we use present simple for "I feel fine"?

Is there a word for a subset of English specifically designed to be easily understood by non-native speakers?

told vs have told in a sentence [closed]

I hope you get better vs. I hope you will get better [duplicate]

..until the issue will be resolved. WILL?

Something was or is nice

"Did you like what you saw/see?"

Present tense of "unassigned"?

Can the present tense be used in the past tense to refer to something that always happens or to something that hasn't happened yet? [duplicate]

"Why aren't you listening to me?" versus "Why don't you listen to me?"

"Decided to do X the next time she went for a walk" vs. "...the next time she goes for a walk"

In which way "verb+-doing" can be used to mean "something has been done"

Present simple in the future tense [duplicate]

Is "to be interested" an active or passive voice?

Is 'nothing is impossible' and 'anything is possible' the same?

What role is the verb in the sentence?

I have lunch at 1 pm [duplicate]

How can I express in a sentence something that happened in the past but that has an impact on the present?

Why present perfect in “When the night has come”?

Past simple with today