What role is the verb in the sentence?
Solution 1:
"Call" isn't a verb here; "is evaluated" and "is obtained" are the verbs.
A "function call" is a thing, in this case a procedure, which is either unchanging (static) or dynamic (changing, depending on conditions).
If I rewrite the sentence for clarity, I get something like this: "A function call (FC) can be evaluated in static (SC) or dynamic (DC) context. The instructions to perform this analysis are described next."
Solution 2:
Let me break down the following [given] sentence.
The sentence is: "When a static or dynamic function call FC is evaluated with respect to a static context SC and a dynamic context DC, the result is obtained as follows.". This sentence is quoted from Evaluating Static and Dynamic Function Calls
Static or dynamic function call FC is the noun. is evaluated are helping/verbs