New posts in past-participles

What is the grammatical difference behind "is interesting" and "is interested"?

Present perfect tense with the verb 'is'

Do I so often encounter simple past for past participle (e.g., “I have went,” “what was did to her”) because of where I am or when?

"has scientists excited" or "has excited scientists"?

Roast duck vs. roasted duck

Why is borne a past participle of bear?

Better term to put on a label of a bottle of milk to describe that it's 'made' in a particular geographic location

Struck vs Stricken

Why is slain a past participle of slay? [duplicate]

"Is missing" vs. "is missed" [closed]

Is this correct grammar: "[...] cash can't be beat."

"Situated" vs. "located"

Hypernym for "heard", "seen", and "visited"

Why is "transferred" written with two R's?

Adverbial adjectives [duplicate]

"Don't got" — how common is it in American usage?

"Time elapsed" or "elapsed time" [duplicate]

Is “have went” gaining common currency in AmE and BrE?

Obsessed or Obsessive?

"As evidenced by" or "as evident by"?