New posts in orthography

Notepad++ insists "dependancy" is the correct spelling, while Google Chrome insists it's "dependency". Who's right?

Why does my spellchecker vindicate "floccinaucinihilipilification"?

Why does “today’s lesson” seem to be possessive?

"Open source" as a verb

Capitalization of "neo-scholasticism" [duplicate]

Why is "happyness" spelled with a Y in the movie title "The Pursuit of Happyness"? [closed]

Pronunciation of 'dogged' [duplicate]

How did "ordnance" lose the "i"?

How was 'Sundae' derived from 'Sunday'?

"The species/species'/species's survival..."

Capitalization of "A" in "Dear All" [duplicate]

Hyphenating compound adjectives with more than two parts

Recordkeeping, record keeping, or record-keeping

How would you spell "Tehran" in English for it to be pronounced "correctly" (i.e. as in Persian)?

Why does English omit diacritics on foreign names?

Why are 'electric', 'electricity' and 'electrician' pronounced differently?

Why are "mobile" and "automobile" pronounced differently?

Are you googlable?

"Geteth the tax"?

Why is “wavelength” one word when “wave height” isn't?