New posts in orthography

The spelling "ui" and the pronunciation /uː/ in juice, fruit, bruise, cruise, sluice, suit, nuisance, recruit, bruit

Why did word final S get replaced by "CE" in Middle and Modern English?

Are there specific situations where one spelling variant is recommended over another?

Two 'x's in "anti-vaxxer"

Do Americans also typically use the word "aesthetic" spelled that way?

Terminology for pairs of words with the same meaning, similar or same pronunciation but different spelling

Evaluable vs. Evaluatable

"travelling" vs. "traveling" [closed]

Is "imbedded" a valid spelling of the word "embedded"?

How is the ending -le or -el determined?

What is the best word for "kitchen products" on an e-commerce website?

Word/term meaning "conversion from one dialect to another"?

Use of hypens with "auto": autopopulate, auto-populate, or auto populate?

"grammar nazi" or "grammar Nazi"?

Is it CoViD? Or COVID? Covid? How should the word be spelled?

Is 'compatriate' really an English word?

Why Abraham and not Avraham?

Is "swop" an acceptable variant of "swap"?

Difference between /əʳ/ and /ɚ/

Why is 'spatial' written with a t instead of a c?