New posts in orthography

Do Americans leave the ordinal suffix out of dates?

When did possessive *it's* fall out of favor?

How is "erm" pronounced in the UK, and why is it spelled that way?

"interactible" or "interactable"

Capitalization and hyphenation for prefixed adjectives derived from proper names in mathematics

Plotable versus Plottable

Why The New York Times no longer capitalizes "E-mail"

Why do American and British English use different quotation marks?

Why some words ending in -ke become -cable (and/or -cative), while others become -kable (or -keable)

What is the significance of the “ô” character in “rôle” in this work?

Adjectival step by step

Difference between "fallback" and "fall back"? [closed]

Blockchain or block chain? Double-spend or doublespend?

Why does Facebook have "like's" instead of "like"s?

Words whose pronunciation remains the same with the last four letters removed

Letters after a number, such as 1st

Words with pronunciations more complex than spelling

Why are the words "lose" and "choose" written differently and pronounced the same way?

What were the British equivalents of Webster's dictionary and the Simplified Spelling Board that standardized spelling and usage?

All up in my grill?