New posts in orthography

What rule governs "panic->panicking" and why? Would it apply to all -ic verbs? [duplicate]

"Mold" vs. "Mould"

"Indispensible": is it correct?

Who changed the way vacumn was spelled 40 years ago?

What is the plural of "BlackBerry" (as in the handheld device)

Why is it "argument" instead of "arguement"?

Can the Oxford Comma be used with a list of adjectives of the same type?

Is respect awarded, accorded or afforded?

Term for written paralanguage?

Why "pastime" but not "passtime"?

Any advice for agentive suffixes of single-syllable words ending in y?

Other special hyphenation examples than eight-teen

What's up with the hyphen in "orang-utan"?

Pluralizing a last name: Soloniewicz's, Soloniewiczs, Soloniewiczes? [duplicate]

Can I place a comma before and after a possessive noun?

Double Consonants in Gerund

Pre-requisite vs prerequisite

Why is it 'speaking'/'speech' instead of 'speeking'/'speech' or 'speaking'/'speach'?

Meaning of quintuple-quote punctuation: '' ' ''

Different ways to pronounce "augh"