New posts in loanwords

How should a person holding a foreign military rank be addressed?

Why are there so few words in English that are derived from Welsh?

Did British chef Jamie Oliver redefine “pukka” in 1999?

Is there a term for French words adopted by the English language, such as "hors d'oeuvres" or "objet d'art"

Are there good English expressions for "raison d’être" and "joie de vivre"? [closed]

Adding -s to French city names

Yiddish loan words for the foolish & incompetent

Can foreign words be reduced into English morphemes?

Interjection "et voilà"

Is the word "psithurism" really used in English?

Is there a standard pronunciation for gender-neutral -@ or -x

From French “manœuvre” to English “manoeuvre”, does “œ” exist in English?

French (and, hey, others too) equivalent of "anglicize"

Word for a cushy position awarded to a crony? [duplicate]

For native speakers, what are dumplings? [closed]

English from Icelandic?

What nouns of German origin should be given capital letters?

How would you spell "Tehran" in English for it to be pronounced "correctly" (i.e. as in Persian)?

Should capitalization be preserved in loanwords?

Is using the plural form (in place of the original singular) of these Latin/Greek loan words acceptable?