New posts in loanwords

Why Abraham and not Avraham?

Why Cosmonaut, not Astronaut?

How did "gesundheit" work its way into common American usage?

Why isn't "connoisseur" spelled "connaisseur"?

Is there a synonym for "schadenfreude" that sounds more colloquial?

Etymology of "Spaghetti and gravy"

Why is quixotic pronounced as it is?

Term for anticipating counterarguments and rebutting them

"newfangled", "fandangle" and "fandango"

When using the French word "sans" in an English sentence, should I use italics?

Does the word “uzi” need to be capitalized?

"Quyer" When and why did the spelling change so drastically?

Plural "-i" vs. "-uses" [duplicate]

What rules govern uniform mispronounciation of romance languages? [closed]

Are "tomorrow" and "morning" etymologically related?

Is "kip" Chinese in origin?

Are there any examples of cross-language redundancy (e.g. "kielbasa sausage")?

Foreign words reborrowed back into English

Why is stigmata a plural of stigma?

Why is "poignant" pronounced /ˈpɔɪɲənt/?