New posts in lie-groups

What is reductive group intuitively?

Isometries of the sphere $\mathbb{S}^{n}$

Geometric intuition behind the Lie bracket of vector fields

Isometry group(s) of flat surfaces

Intuitive explanation of Left invariant Vector Field

Nontrivial homogeneous Vector bundle

Lie algebra of a quotient of Lie groups

Why must $U(1)$ matrices commute with $SU(2) \times SU(3)$ matrices in embedding within $SU(5)$?

All connected closed subgroups in $\rm{SO}(3)$

Why do we care about two subgroups being conjugate?

how to show $SU(2)/\mathbb{Z}_2\cong SO(3)$

Under what conditions is the exponential map on a Lie algebra injective?

What is Lie Theory/ a Lie Group, simply?

Proving that $\mathbb R^3$ cannot be made into a real division algebra (and that extending complex multiplication would not work)

When will two isomorphic Lie algebras have the same representation?

Relation between $SU(4)$ and $SO(6)$

How to show path-connectedness of $GL(n,\mathbb{C})$

Given a group $ G $, how many topological/Lie group structures does $ G $ have?

Is the continuous part of the symmetry group of a compact subset $\mathbb{R}^3$ isomorphic to $SO(k)$?

On surjectivity of exponential map for Lie groups