New posts in italian

What's the noun for "off-key" or "out of tune"?

What made “gusto” popular?

What does “We use the formal lei” mean? [closed]

Are there any "fake" Italian words used in English?

How to translate "rapporto bancario"?

Is there any connection between “machination” and Machiavelli?

If I can "fall in" love, can I "fall in" depression?

Possible Italian origin for English expressions "easy peasy" and/or "easy breezy"?

How to say succinctly: "An opinion which is ‘shareable’ and agreed upon by many"?

According to me, it was acceptable, but according to him, it wasn't

"farne di tutti i colori" in English

Can a car be "naked"?

Etymology of "bizarre"?

Why is a calzone called calzone?

One word for "a one-eyed person"

Why do The Sopranos leave off the last vowel in Italian words?

Why and how did "a sensible boy" become "intelligent and prudent"?

In English you have 'above', 'on', 'over' and 'on top of' but in Italian one word, 'sopra', covers all four meanings

How did English pepperoni come to mean something entirely different from Italian peperoni?

What is the word for the gesture when someone takes three fingers and kisses it into the air?