How to say succinctly: "An opinion which is ‘shareable’ and agreed upon by many"?

How would you express the notion: ‘overall many would share that opinion’, more succinctly? For example:

  • It is generally agreed upon that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day".
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day is something which many agree (including myself) with


  1. Many would agree (myself included) with X's assertion
  2. X's opinion is generally agreed upon
  3. The decision to X is agreed and shared by most

I ask because recently I had to stop myself from saying:

"I didn't take that action, although condivisible".

I stopped short in my tracks and realized I was anglicizing the Italian expression condivisibile which means shareable or any of the expressions which I placed in bold type. If I had to rephrase that last sentence to reflect accurately the meaning of condivisibile I would have to say:

  1. I didn't personally take that action, although it is one which I [and many] would agree with.

Agreeable would have been perfect but it doesn't fit because its primary meaning is enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasant. It is especially inappropriate if the action or decision taken by another is a form of punishment. For example, someone being fined heavily for parking on a pavement/sidewalk despite there being no more parking spaces available (In principle, everyone agrees that parking on sidewalks should be illegal.)

Perhaps the best example is this last one:

He got fined heavily for parking on the sidewalk, although ___________ [I agree/we are all in agreement with the decision to fine him], perhaps the council ought to think about providing more parking spaces.

So, is there a single-word, an adjective or shorter phrase to express this concept?

Solution 1:

I suggest something like:

There is a general consensus that X.

A consensus exists that X.

Many believe that X.

Most people accept that X.

There is a widespread belief that X.

It is widely agreed that X.

Solution 2:

Unanimous, consensus.

  • There is general consensus that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • There was unanimous consensus at the UN today that Iran and North Korea should refrain from nuclear armaments.
  • It was a unanimous decision among the owners to take the company into the public realm.

u·nan·i·mous (yo͝o-năn′ə-məs)

  1. Sharing the same opinions or views; being in complete harmony or accord.
  2. Based on or characterized by complete assent or agreement.

[From Latin ūnanimus : ūnus, one; see oi-no- in Indo-European roots + animus, mind; see anə- in Indo-European roots.]

u·nan′i·mous·ly adv.
u·nan′i·mous·ness n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

consensus (kənˈsɛnsəs)
1. general or widespread agreement (esp in the phrase consensus of opinion)
[C19: from Latin, from consentīre to feel together, agree; see consent]

Usage: Since consensus refers to a collective opinion, the words of opinion in the phrase consensus of opinion are redundant and should therefore be avoided

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Solution 3:

I have seen this phrased often as conventional wisdom: the generally accepted belief, opinion, judgment, or prediction about a particular matter.

A single word is advisable or (two words) commonplace knowledge depending on where it's used in the sentence.

-I didn't personally take that action, although it is advisable. -It's commonplace knowledge that X is Y.

Synonyms include prudence dictates, popular belief, prevailing belief, prevailing sentiment and truism.

  • According to conventional wisdom, an incumbent nearly always wins more votes than a new candidate.
  • Conventional wisdom suggests that the break between Liberals and Liberal Nationals was never healed, with the latter drifting inexorably towards absorption in the Conservative Party.
  • Conventional wisdom states that most of the molecular gas mass in a galaxy is apportioned to a few large clouds.

This term was invented by John Kenneth Galbraith, who used it in The Affluent Society (1958) to describe economic ideas that are familiar, predictable, and therefore accepted by the general public.

It is often used with but as well as an affirmation that it is widely held.

I don't know how to dramatically shorten your last (edited) example.

Solution 4:

A possible candidate, which incidentally has a widely-used cousin in Italian, is accordable:

  1. (obsolete) Agreeing - Geoffrey Chaucer

  2. Reconcilable; in accordance

The word appears to be somewhat non-standard: I could only find it listed in a handful of online dictionaries, and it wasn't to be found in any of the freely accessible offerings of any of the heavy-hitters (Oxford, Cambridge, Merriam Webster and The American Heritage Dictionary). Amongst those that did list accordable, there seemed to be some disagreement over whether it should be considered archaic or actually obsolete (I think that only if some helpful passer-by had access to the OED could we be satisfied as to accordable's 'official' status). At any rate, though the word is used in the present day, it is certainly not widespread.

Having said that, the root verb accord is a commonly-used and well-understood word in standard English, and similarly oft-used is the suffix -able, a likewise standard feature of every-day English. One a functional level, it seems quite plausible that accordable could be considered a real word.

Given all of that, though depending on the your own personal style/register and the context in which you're planning to use the word, I don't see any reason as to why you couldn't use accordable. Though archaic-sounding and non-standard, the use of a well-understood root-verb as an adjective, by the standard means of the suffix -able, should nonetheless be readily understandable. It may even be mistaken for an on-the-spot and witty contrivance, a neologism of sorts (or an archaeologism?!), and would not, in my opinion, sound incongruous when uttered by an eloquent person. In fact, I had never heard of accordable before writing this, and whilst looking at the definition of the related, but not-quite-apt accordant, I arrived at accordable through intuition.

I should have carried out the usage-experiment before writing all of that, but here goes:

It is generally accordable that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

X's opinion is most accordable [most added to underscore the archaic tenor :)]

The decision to X is accordable to most

I didn't take that action, although accordable.

He got fined heavily for parking on the sidewalk, although accordable, perhaps the council ought to think about providing more parking spaces.

To my ear at least, it works! In bitter defiance of my computer's incessantly haughty corrections, I have now added accordable to its built-in dictionary, and will henceforth make a point of using it at every possible opportunity. I urge that you too stand against the proscription of our fair English language, and join me in this single-word renaissance, so accordable as it is!