New posts in honorifics

When is it appropriate to refer to someone as Dr. [Surname]?

Ad­dress­ing boys and girls dif­fer­ently in (Vic­to­rian?) English schools

I want to refer to Bill Gates on his blog with respect in the comments section

Salutation for two doctors (not married)

Usage of "ladies and gentlemen" to address two people of different sex

What is the grammar on Your honor/My lord? [duplicate]

“Mx” the gender-neutral honorific

Is using “Miss” here correct? [duplicate]

What is the best way of conveying respect to elders in English? [duplicate]

Addressing a former office-holder by that office's title [closed]

How to indicate possession when using abbreviation "Dr."

What do students call their teacher in class? [closed]

Not sure how to handle "doctor" - as an honorific or as a noun

Why doesn't the English language have distinct words to use when talking to elders? [closed]

Capitalization rules for nicknames and name-replacing honorifics

What are the suitable honorifics that distinguish between a man and his father?

When should titles like "captain" or "admiral" be capitalized?

Why are doctors addressed as Mr. in the UK?

Is it proper to omit periods after honorifics (Mr, Mrs, Dr)?

When is it appropriate to use the title "Miss" as opposed to "Ms."?