New posts in harmonic-analysis

average of maximal function is less than its infimum?

A Radon measure on $G$ being left-invariant on a dense subgroup $H \subset G$ is a Haar measure on $G$.

Finding fundamental solution to the biharmonic operator $\Delta^2=\Delta(\Delta)$?

Sup norm of Fourier transform of $ \frac{\sin |x|}{|x|^\lambda} \mathbb 1_{\{2^k\le |x| <2^{k+1}\}}, \ 0<\lambda<n $

Prove the uniqueness of poisson equation with robin boundary condition

Prove the following beta integral identity

Disintegration of Haar measures

Laplace equation Dirichlet problem on punctured unit ball.

Is every Hilbert space a Banach algebra?

Does band-limited imply continuous?

Mean Value Property of Harmonic Function on a Square

What are the "right" spaces for the Laplace transform

Stone-Weierstrass implies Fourier expansion

Extension of character in Banach algebras

Wiener's theorem in $\mathbb{R}^n$

Decomposition of VN(G) into direct sum of matrix algebras when G is a compact group. [closed]

Fourier transform of a radial function is radial

Zeroes of the Fourier transform of bump functions

Plancherel formula for compact groups from Peter-Weyl Theorem

Fourier transformation of tempered distribution $p.v. \frac{1}{x}$