New posts in grammaticality

Can anyone explain sentences like “it’s two things” “video games are a great source of learning”

What's the difference between an -ing noun and a real noun

Can you say "and so, he was deserved of his sorry fate"?

Hi I'm Japanese, I'd like know the difference between "evidence" and "proof" [closed]

What is the appropriate usage of this Who's and What's to imply possession of a property [duplicate]

Describing the profession/occupation of a person who is now retired or doesn’t do that anymore

Can "semicircle" be used to refer to a part-circle that is not a exact half-circle?

Mass nouns and counts nouns. Does getting it wrong ever matter?

Is kickassiness an accepted word?

Is "unredactable" a word?

"How does this proof/prove that ..."

Is left-dislocation of a that-clause possible?

Is this usage of 'for which' correct?

Keep the good work up / Keep up the good work - Are they both grammatical?

Can "A vote for/against B" be turned into the passive "B was voted for (by A)"?

Which of the following phrases is correct? [closed]

Do you "create" a hypothesis?

Rules concerning long vowel sounds

English possessive for a name that ends in an apostrophe (in this case, in transliterated Ukrainian)?

Sentences starting with "No matter how he"