New posts in grammaticality

"How did your life change if you have as much money as Bill Gates?" Is this sentence correct?

Is it considered rude language to omit interrogatives in speech?

Use of "it" before "sufficeth to say"

Be careful for what you eat or Be careful what you eat

Is “in so unpleasant a manner” actually grammatical in English? Why?

"define A as ...''

"Containing" or "consisting of"

Can I use the sentence as this: " I tuned into Netflix to watch the movie " [closed]

Is this tense usage correct?

Can a verb inside an "it's possible that"-clause governing an if-clause be in the subjunctive/bare infinitive form?

Is this sentence grammatically correct? (Concerned with the usage of "have less to do with")

Usage of "in here" vs. just "here"

Is the word 'result' as a singular noun grammatically correct? [closed]

What is correct in this case, "probable" or "probably"?

"You and I combined" versus "you and me combined"

Remedy or remedies

Can I omit the "neither" in a neither/nor construction? [duplicate]

What does "What use is X" mean?

"Please explain" or "explain please"

Why doesn’t the sentence "the standard of proof being one based on balance of probabilities" contain a verb?