Which of the following phrases is correct? [closed]

Solution 1:

Neither. Correct is:

Nice to hear from you again.

There are two things to notice here:

The present participle of the verb (ending in -ing) should not be preceded by the infinitive marker to, and after the infinitive marker to you should always use the base form of the verb. So it should always be Nice to hear and never Nice to hearing.

Also, there is a difference between to hear and to hear from. The verb to hear just means that you can literally hear and understand what the other person is saying. The phrase to hear from means to start or renew a social relationship with someone. In this case, you're trying to say that it was nice to speak with someone again, and you're not focusing on the physical act of hearing, so you want to say "Nice to hear from you".

Solution 2:

In English we would say

Nice to be hearing from you again.

Note the "be" in there.

Solution 3:

If you want to use hearing, then say:

Nice hearing from you again.

This is quite common in email, phone conversation, or regular talk.

Otherwise, say:

Nice to hear from you again.

You could also say:

Nice to hear your voice again.