New posts in grammaticality

Is the sentence "I’m only going to ask you again once." grammatically correct?

Can "neither" be placed at the beginning of the sentence?

Preposition following "estimated"

“Comment on something” or “comment something”?

Are all of these sentences grammatical?

What's the deal with exophoric pronoun references?

“I haven't got” vs. “I don't have” [duplicate]

Analysis of "There is something it is like to be us"

Usage "when he grows up"

Sentence ending in a preposition [duplicate]

Is this participle clause sentence correct? [closed]

'To' vs 'that'?

The grammar of 'clothes' versus 'clothing'

What does "being let go" mean? [closed]

How much or many the scores [closed]

How far is the safari park from here?

How to form sentences starting with "it"

"Who wrote ... ?" or "Who did write ... ?" [duplicate]

"The most distant ever visited by a spacecraft from Earth"

Grammatically and meaning of "He has started feeling the heat of the chill"