New posts in grammaticality

Why does Hagrid say "cousin DON'T " instead of "doesn't"? [duplicate]

Is the [partial] statement "Essentially in theory" grammatically correct?

"I and others" or "others and I"?

Can a possessive pronoun be used in a tag question?

"Meet off" vs "meet on"

The role and the meaning of the “of”

"Moon's Land " or "Land of Moon"? [closed]

To say that something is "never indistinguishable"

In the parallel structure, should I omit "become" if the subject is noun [closed]

Is "select to" grammatical [closed]

Is "welcome home" a complete sentence?

Is the sentence "How much were your shares diluted?" correct?

employ, employer, employee - can I generalize this pattern to (verb), (verb)er, (verb)ee? [duplicate]

Is "if winning isn't everything then why do they keep score" a correct sentence?

"file name" or "name of the file"?

How well-known is the word 'wheelie'?

Which one is correct, "favourite song of all time" or "... of all times"?

Staying up at night

"You" as an indefinite pronoun in a first-person statement

Can I say “He cries when slapped by his friend” [closed]