"Moon's Land " or "Land of Moon"? [closed]

Normally, a phrase like "the dog's collar" has exactly the same meaning as "the collar of the dog." In this particular case, though, the expression "Land of X" has a special meaning--something like "the land which is characterized by X."

When we speak of "the land of Lincoln" or "the land of cotton" or "the land of 10,000 lakes," we mean that those are the things that people think of (or which we want them to think of) when they think about those places.

So when you say "Moon's land," I assume that you're referring to a piece of property owned by Mr. Moon, whom I presume to be an acquaintance of yours. But when you say "the land of Moon," I immediately think that Mr. Moon must be a public figure or a dictator or even a god who dominates the place.

People can use it unseriously, of course. A friend in Atlanta might tease you with "You can't order a Pepsi in the land of Coca-cola!" (Coca-cola is headquartered in Atlanta, but it doesn't really run the local government.)

Technically? The "Land of the Moon" is the correct way to phrase it because most often animate objects take the Saxon genitive form ('s). You're personifying the moon; it can not possess anything. So if this is in formal writing, use the form appropriate for inanimate objects like the moon. Otherwise, it's your choice. In fiction, that would be a style issue, not grammar.

At the same time, "Land of the Moon" (with Land capitalized) introduces a bit of ambiguity. Is it the land on the surface of the Moon you're describing? Or are you figuratively referring to a place in which the the sky is so clear, the moon shines brilliantly? It could be another way of saying the landscape is dominated by the moon.

The reason that I mentioned the capital "L" specifically is not only because you typed it that way, but because it appears as if it could be a title or a place name. If that's the case, go with Land of the Moon. Otherwise it should probably be land of the Moon or Moon's land, the former being more of a prescriptive rule.

Anyway, if this is not a formal piece of writing and you're meaning is clear through the context, then choose whichever format you prefer. If it's formal or if there aren't enough contextual clues to dictate the meaning of the phrase, then you probably want to stick with "land of the Moon" in case your reader objects to that usage.

I would offer you something more definitive, but you haven't given me any context to work with. My personal preference is irrelevant to your writing.