Which is/are the correct and natural answer(s) to this question?

  • It is ten miles far from here.
  • It is ten miles far away from here.
  • It is ten miles far away.
  • It is ten miles away.
  • It is ten miles away from here.

Solution 1:

Usually you imply the current position in the question, and imply everything except the distance in the answer (as it's given in the question), so it would be just:

"How far is it to the safari park?"
"Ten miles."

If you flesh that out with all the redundancy, you get:

"How far is it to the safari park from here?"
"It's ten miles to the safari park from here."

You can of course leave out different parts of the answer, and change the order:

"It's ten miles from here."
"It's ten miles to the safari park."
"It's ten miles."
"It's ten miles from here to the safari park."
"From here it's ten miles to the safari park."
"From here it's ten miles."
"The safari park is ten miles from here."

You can use away instead of from here:

"It's ten miles away."
"The safari park is ten miles away."

Solution 2:

Both of these are correct:

It is 10 miles away.

It is 10 miles from here.

Solution 3:

Far is an adjective that denotes an indeterminate distance. It's almost synonymous with distant, although that usually denotes a distance which can be measured.

Consequently you can say How far [away] is... because you are asking about a distance which is not known.

For the answer, the distance is known, so far should not be used, and It's ten miles away is correct. Again, distant isn't generally used. It's ten miles distant is technically correct but not idiomatic.

You don't need to add "from here" because you have referenced it in the question, so it's implicit in the answer.

Solution 4:

You've already established the starting place in the question:

How far is the safari park from here?

So the answer need not include this. Ten miles is the shortest possible answer. Ten miles away is good too.

Solution 5:

Assuming "ten miles" has to be a part of the answer:

  1. It is ten miles from here.
  2. It is ten miles away.