New posts in gerunds

What is the correct form of a gerund? [duplicate]

Why 'doing' after 'look forward to'?

What effect is achieved when using the gerundive form versus the infinitive form in this sentence?

Referring to a gerund with a pronoun

Is the gerund and (present) participle form always the same (spelling)? [duplicate]

Is "calling" a gerund in "calling bell"? [closed]

Correct usage of the word 'storage' or 'storing'?

Can a prepositional phrase be the direct object?

Do these two sentences use the possessive case of gerunds properly?

Should I use an infinitive or gerund to explain the how people can earn money? Context: Get paid to teach Spanish/teaching Spanish [duplicate]

Ving (gerund) as a Noun [closed]

Can the gerund be used after a form of "agree to" (e.g. "agrees to doing", "agree to going" and "agreed to leaving")?

Writing style guidelines on gerund (ab)use

What's the plural of "picking up"?

Is "hanging bats" a participial phrase, gerund phrase, or simple noun phrase? [duplicate]

To + infinitive vs. To + gerund [duplicate]

When to use the gerund form of a verb after "to"? [duplicate]

Is there the gerund of the verb "can"?

Stylistic Advice regarding the two types of possessives before a gerund

What is wrong with this sentence: "This is an obstacle to start in Turkey"