New posts in fourier-analysis

Determining if something is a characteristic function

Is $L^2(\mathbb{R})$ with convolution a Banach Algebra?

Zeroes of the Fourier transform of bump functions

Fast Fourier Transform as Matrix Factorization

Solution to the functional equation $f(2x) = f(x)\cdot\sin(x)$?

Multiple Fourier Integrals involving Heaviside Theta Function

Plancherel formula for compact groups from Peter-Weyl Theorem

Deriving Fourier inversion formula from Fourier series

Growth of Tychonov's Counterexample for Heat Equation Uniqueness

Relation between Fourier transform and uncertainty principle

Riemann Lebesgue Lemma Clarification

Ergodic flow in tori

Absolute convergence of fourier series

Question on Schwartz function

Fourier transform of $\Gamma \left (\frac{1}{2}-i \frac{p}{2 \pi} \right) /\sqrt{ \cosh(p/2)}$

Fourier transformation of tempered distribution $p.v. \frac{1}{x}$

Motivation for proof of Berry-Esséen Theorem

Why does this identity hold for Fejér Kernels?

Reconciling two intuitions about convolution

What is the Fourier transform of spherical harmonics?