New posts in formality

proper way to write the slang term for “gravitational force”

What does "Yeah, you did" mean?

Use "you" or "one" in formal writing?

Is "in no way" informal?

Has "may" become a formal version of "can"?

How do we order food in English?

Is there a more formal option for 'just in case'?

Is there any reason why English doesn’t add respectful words in every sentence? [closed]

What is a formal equivalent of "get (a)round something"?

Is "has made it his business to" polite or impolite?

How do you abbreviate "Government"?

Proper formal synonyms for "blessed"

diffirence between "i have no..." and "i've got no..." [duplicate]

These ones/those ones/the other ones

Which valediction should I use with my boss?

How is the sentence "My mama don't like you, but she likes everyone" correct?

"No one of" + plural noun phrase

"the below-identified person": Term for this style and any style guides regarding

Is the sentence “It is hoped that the Coronavirus would disappear soon” correct formal speech?

"a couple": adverbial phrase