New posts in first-order-logic

Show that $\exists x \exists y (\varphi \land \varphi^{\frac{y}{x}} \land x \neq y)\models \forall x \exists y (\varphi^{\frac{y}{x}} \land x \neq y)$

Why ZFC+FOL cannot uniquely describe/characterize R or N?

Counter-example of o-minimal structure but do not admit elimination of quantifiers

Formalizing the meta-language of First order Logic and studying it as a formal system

What will be the negation of this statement:

Where are the model theory concepts from?

A question on the diagonal lemma

Is it possible for a set of well-formed formulas to satisfy a formula and its negation?

Model of Robinson Arithmetic but not Peano Arithmetic

Logically Necessary but NOT Tautologically necessary? Help

A *finite* first order theory whose finite models are exactly the $\Bbb F_p$?

Simple Fitch Proof without using DeMorgan's Law

โŠขโˆƒ๐‘ฅ(๐œ™โŸนโˆ€๐‘ฅ๐œ™) using Hilbert-style proof [duplicate]

Is there a model of $\operatorname{Th}(\mathbb{R})$ which is not a complete ordered field?

Infinitely many axioms of ZFC vs. finitely many axioms of NBG

Why is quantifier elimination desirable for a given theory?

If $\Gamma \cup \{ \neg \varphi \}$ is inconsistent, then $\Gamma \vdash \varphi$

Distributive property of division over addition and logic

English statements to first order logic?

Can't EF game theory be applied to finite languages WITH function symbols?