New posts in first-order-logic

Nonexistence of independent axiomatization of a theory in a finite language.

Deduction Theorem: only works with closed formulas?

Is it possible to convert $\forall$ quantifiers to $\exists$ quantifiers without negation?

Online tools for checking validity of classical, intuitionistic, ... logic formulas?

Restrictions on the use of universal generalization

What set of formal rules can we use to safely apply Universal/Existential Generalizations and Specifications?

Different meanings of "=" in first-order logic and in set theory

What is the logical flaw in this reasoning? Abusing $T \equiv T \vee F$.

Definition of "substitutable" in Mathematical Logic

Why do first order languages have at most countably many symbols?

Are all universal formulas true and all existential formulas false in the empty model?

Which rule of logic is used on $\delta$ in this proof of the squeeze theorem

Simplest axiom that entails the existence of an infinite set

What exactly is a contradiction and how does it differ from falsity?

How is "interpretation" used differently in propositional vs. first-order logic?

Which of the following statements express the given sentence? Why not both?

Exercise 2.5.5 david marker's [closed]

Prove or disprove: if Γ ⊢ α and Γ ⊆ ∆ then ∆ ⊢ α

How to prove that Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems apply to ZFC?

Why isn't there a first-order theory of well order?