New posts in expression-choice

Expression for personality/lifestyle of somebody that likes to step outside of the comfort zone?

Is there a term for a highlighted option?

What do you call an out-of-schedule speech in a conference?

Difference between "What time do you come to class every day?" and "What time do you go to class every day?"

"Trust arrives walking and departs riding."

I think I believe I feel statements should be introduced properly

A "Frankenstein's monster" similar metaphors

How to express you are not familiar with a field

another phrase to express dwelled on

Apply a rule vs. Follow a rule

Is use of "Oriental" racism? [duplicate]

What is the best way to say that something was done in teamwork?

Is there another way of saying "less is more"?

"in response to" vs "for response to"?

"before I oops do it again" or "before I oops did it again again", which one should I have used for it to be proper English?

What is an expression for a priest not wearing official attire?

A word for a man who offers his services to have sex with a woman unable to conceive

When expressing temperatures that are colder than freezing, do we say "more than freezing", "less than freezing", or something else?

"Technology" vs. "a technology" [closed]

Less derogatory term for dump