What is the best way to say that something was done in teamwork?

In my resume, I'm describing several projects I've worked on in the past. Most of them were done in teamwork. What is the best way to say this?


Together with XY, I built ... OR

In collaboration with XY, I built ... OR

XY and I built ...

Are the first two examples grammatically correct? I'm unsure since first I state that something has been done in collaboration with a second person, but then I use "I built ...".

Solution 1:

There are very few major projects that do not require other players. Why not focus on your role?

I was the principal author of three chapters in the technical manual for . . .

I was the senior draftsman for the escape hatch on Space Shuttle 3 . . .

That there were others involved is obvious, and your skills and responsibility is highlighted.