New posts in expression-choice

"Half of its" or "Half its" [duplicate]

assertion versus statement

Is there any difference between ”control of/over“ and ”power over"

"The problem is that....". Good or bad English?

Synonym or equal phrase to "merely philosophical"

a phrase for "to lure and chop a turtle's head"

Expression for "pulling out something from the past"

Term for when someone gets overly pepped up and thinks he/she can do anything

Complemented with or complemented by

A better word than "disabled" [closed]

'Using a keyboard is better' v 'It's better to use a keyboard': and why IT with the infinitive?

What's the difference between "I am a racist" and "I am racist"?

Is "in no way" informal?

Word or phrase for "shooting an arrow with a bow"

What is the behavior where one closes their nose with their lips to elude foul odour called?

Is "What is your email?" acceptable for a sign up form?

Usage of "Proud words from a weak stomach"

What's the meaning of "You better take this"?

X was the case, so/but/since/because Y happened [closed]

How suffixes like -ness and -ship are chosen when forming abstract nouns?