a phrase for "to lure and chop a turtle's head"

There must be a similar phrase in English, meaning to lure the target from protection (like turtle's shell) or hiding, in order to capture or kill it.

My English dictionary gives "draw a snake out of its hole", but Googling suggests it is also used literally, not metaphorically. For example, someone accidentally let loose their pet snake and want to catch it back. So is this the expression that you would use?

I am looking for an expression, the more compact the better.

Solution 1:

Pied Piper comes to mind. OED defines this as:

allusively a person who entices people to follow them to some disappointment or misfortune. Also in extended use.

Adams became the pied piper for scores of IRA men ....

If you are looking for a verb I suggest inveigle.

Solution 2:

'I'm waiting for him to take the bait' is the only such metaphor that springs to mind; but no specific animal is involved. 'Softly, softly, catchy monkey!', means taking your time and care and waiting for an opportunity to spring a surprise attack. But I appreciate that neither of these perhaps adequately translate something you have in your own language.

'Putting one's head above the parapet' is another form. It refers to a human, but is used metaphorically and on behalf of oneself. e.g. 'I do not intend to put my head above the parapet by advancing that idea'.

From your name I am thinking you may be Chinese. My wife, whose mother dialects are Hakka and Cantonese did not recognise the turtle metaphor in Chinese.