New posts in continued-fractions

Prove $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{\cot(\pi n\sqrt{61})}{n^3}=-\frac{16793\pi^3}{45660\sqrt{61}}$

Is there a pattern to the roots of continued-fraction equations with depth $n$?

A conjectured continued fraction for $\phi^\phi$

Ramanujan theta function and its continued fraction

Baire space homeomorphic to irrationals

A continued fraction involving prime numbers

Is this formula for $\frac{e^2-3}{e^2+1}$ known? How to prove it?

Closed form of $\frac{e^{-\frac{\pi}{5}}}{1+\frac{e^{-\pi}}{1+\frac{e^{-2\pi}}{1+\frac{e^{-3\pi}}{1+\ddots}}}}$

What was Ramanujan's solution?

Can anything interesting be said about this fake proof?

How to find continued fraction of pi

How do I calculate the 2nd term of continued fraction for the power tower ${^5}e=e^{e^{e^{e^{e}}}}$

Closed form for a pair of continued fractions

Curious about an empirically found continued fraction for tanh

Continued fraction of a square root

What are the applications of continued fractions?

Weird large K symbol

a conjectured continued fraction for $\tan\left(\frac{z\pi}{4z+2n}\right)$

The monster continued fraction

An infinite series plus a continued fraction by Ramanujan